Personal Trainer

Next up was the 1991 NPC San Jose Bodybuilding Championships. Unfortunately, that was the year the judging powers that be decided they weren’t going to reward women with muscle, so I didn’t place. I didn't feel bad, because I had come in better than the last show and in the best shape of my life. ESPN was in the audience and they filmed and interviewed me. For ESPN, muscle was what they and their audience wanted to see.
From 1992 on women with muscle were again rewarded for their hard work and muscle, and I was back in the top 5. I competed at the 1992 NPC San Jose Bodybuilding Championships and placed 4th, the 1993 NPC Los Angeles Bodybuilding Championships 3rd place, 1994 NPC Sacramento Bodybuilding Championships 1st and overall, and on to the 1995 NPC Nationals in New Orleans. I didn’t place in my first venture on the national stage, but I was still very happy. I had come a long way, and again, was in the best shape of my life.
Then, in 1996, I competed at the USA Bodybuilding Championships in Long Beach, California and placed 2nd. After that show, I took a 17-year hiatus from competition.
In May 2013, I competed in Bodybuilding at The NPC Contra Costa Championships and placed 2nd. Having qualified for the Nationals, I competed in Bodybuilding at the 2013 NPC Nationals in Florida and placed 4th.
In August 2014 I competed at the IFBB North American Championships and placed 2nd in Bodybuilding. Also in 2014, competing for the first time in the relatively new division of Physique, I placed 2nd.